Freelance Christian Copywriter

Powerful copy for Christian companies, brands, ministries, and Christian-owned businesses. I help Christians connect with their target audience and make a lasting impact.

You need biblical, faith-based copywriting that showcases what you have to offer.

You need copy that is biblically sound, reflects your brand or business, and is tailored to reach your target audience (and not to mention SEO-friendly)! 

But that isn’t your calling… 


You don’t have the time to figure out exactly what types of copy you need to be publishing. 

And you certainly don’t have the time to learn the nitty-gritty details of writing it yourself.

And you shouldn’t have to…

Your gifting lies elsewhere — in your business, in the purpose behind your ministry, or in providing people with the product or service you offer. 

Put your time back in your business or ministry and leave the copywriting to me

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

— Matthew 5:14-16

You want your target audience to experience the love of Christ through your ministry.

You want them to understand the gospel and to be an example of what it looks like to live a life with Jesus. 

Whether you are a Christian clothing brand, an author, a ministry, or a business owner, our hope is the same — to be a city set on a hill!

Effective Copy Written for You.

Hi! I’m Peyton. I’m thrilled you’re here. My guess is you need some form of copy for your business or organization. Maybe it’s website copy, Instagram and Facebook ads, emails, or blogs… you name it!

Whatever it is, it won’t write itself! You don’t need to spend your time figuring out an effective copywriting strategy…

Let’s face it, your business needs you elsewhere.

That’s where I come in. I create copy that works for you, saves you time, and matches the voice and platform God has given you to connect with your unique audience in a biblical way.

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.
— Rabindranath Tagore

As Christians, we know that wherever we are called and whatever work we do, we do it for the glory of God. In your ministry or business (no matter what niche), you can honor God’s will on earth as it is in heaven!

This is my heart as well — to come alongside you and work with you to amplify God’s word in a world that needs it!

Services and Pricing

  • You want your website to captivate, inform, and connect with your audience! Most visitors who open your website are not ready to commit to anything just yet. With great SEO, a valuable message and action-inspiring content, we can change that!

    Starting at $250 per 1500 words

  • Blog posts chalked full of biblically sound content that is helpful, relatable, and honest. Providing consistent and trust-building information that is SEO enhanced and written in your voice will surely engage with your target audience!

    Starting at $200 per 1500 words

  • You’ve got their attention! Let’s showcase your organization or company, share deep value with your loyal audience, and provide info, updates and offers to those who want it most! By nurturing your customer base, they can get to know your company or organization at a fundamental level.

    Starting at $60 per email

  • You want your product to be a blessing to your customers. It starts with attracting the right ones. We want to reach your target audience, showcase what you are offering, highlight its value, and let the viewers know exactly what to do next.

    Starting at $50 per ad variation

  • The perfect resource for teaching God’s word in a digestible and applicable way. Focused topics, passages, and discussion points bound together thoughtfully to guide people through the Word and toward Christ!

    Starting at $250 per 1500 words

  • A way for your most interested customers to get in-depth, high-quality content and information all in one downloadable place!

    Starting at $250 per 1500 words

  • Keep your community informed, up to date and in the loop! They deserve it.

    Starting at $200 per 1500 words

  • Any services listed above I am happy to pen as a ghost writer for you as well.

    Same pricing applies.

Ask me about bundle pricing and retainers!

About Me

Hi there, my name is Peyton — the writer on the other end of your screen! You probably want to know who may be writing your copy and I would love to tell you.

My husband Alex and I live with our two kiddos in the gorgeous state of Colorado. I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and later studied and learned copywriting from a private and highly-rated course known as Write Your Way to Freedom by Sarah Turner Agency.

I have been walking with the Lord for the past 8 years, am a student of the Word, a mother, a sister, and a friend. Writing in school has always come naturally to me, but I didn’t love it until I started writing about my faith and the way it underlines everything I do. My education in writing, background in psychology, and the years I spent working with people after graduating from college have set me up perfectly to become your copywriter.

Being a mom and a copywriter has also given me a unique interest in the realm of motherhood, natural childbirth, and pregnancy for all you birth professionals who may be reading (wink wink).

Proverbs 31 describes a worthy woman and details her life and character. It is my prayer in life and in work to become like her. I am deeply blessed to be sharing a glimpse of my story with you today and I know without Jesus none of this would be. Lord willing we work together and achieve something special!

Are you in need of carefully crafted words that match your product or service?

Tired of trying to create the right messaging for your brand, tailored to each platform you use?

You know that the words that accompany what you offer will influence those who hear them… With me, you’ll get copy written in your voice, to your audience that pairs with whichever platform you’re using.

What to Expect During Your Free Consultation

  • In the 30 minutes we spend together, I’ll ask about you and your business and get a good idea of what it is that you do. My goal is to discover where you are now and where you want to be.

  • We will talk about what it looks like to achieve that, how I can help, and what solutions you might be needing.

  • I’ll answer any questions you might have and explain what it looks like to work with me!

  • If we go forward together, I will customize a proposal for you and we will get things moving right along!

Contact Me

Have a question? Curious about services? Please reach out, I am happy to answer!